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Pucher Patentanwalt GmbH

FN 615340 m

Merangasse 2/9
8010 Graz, Austria
Phone: +43 664 9314 4031


Commercial register court:​​

Commercial Court Graz


Legal form:

Limited liability company



Merangasse 2/9

8010 Graz, Austria

Managing Partner:

DI Dr. Hannes Pucher

VAT number: ATU 80080779

Pucher Patentanwalt GmbH is a registered patent law firm. Its managing partner is an Austrian Patent Attorney, European Patent Attorney, European Patent Litigator and European Trademark and Design Attorney and is, inter alia, a member of the Austrian Chamber of Patent Attorneys and the European Patent Institute.


Its managing partner, DI Dr. Hannes Pucher, is bound by the Austrian Patent Attorneys Act, the professional rules of the Austrian Chamber of Patent Attorneys (ÖPAK) and the epi Professional Guidelines (EPI). Further information in this regard is available at the website of the Austrian Chamber of Patent Attorneys (, the website of the European Patent Institute ( and at the legal information system of the Federal Government (



Pucher Patentanwalt GmbH kindly informs you that the content of this website serves only and exclusively for general information purposes. The website is therefore in no way a legal advice, so that there is no guarantee and liability for the timeliness, accuracy, quality and completeness of the information presented. In other words, the information available on the website can in no way replace legal advice.

Furthermore, Pucher Patentanwalt GmbH is not liable for any damages resulting from the use of the website or websites of third parties (through hyperlinks).


Should individual provisions of this disclaimer be invalid / void in whole or in part or become invalid or void in whole or in part as a result of a change in the legal situation or through case law or in any other way, the remaining provisions of this disclaimer shall remain unaffected and valid.

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